Before using your FINCH II-6W displays, it is mandatory to complete the configuration process detailed in the following steps.
Using SensorLink
1. Once the programming kit is connected to the FINCH II Display and power is turned on, launch SensorLink. SensorLink may prompt you to update the app. Accept the update.
Refer to the following information on how to connect your programming cables:
FINCH II Display Configuration Overview
2. On the left side of the screen, select Finch II.
3. Click the Select COM Port drop-down to select the USB connection connected to your computer.
Having issues selecting the COM Port from the drop-down list? Click here for extra support.
Configuration Settings
The configuration settings include:
- Finch II Model Number
- Enable RCM
- Number of Compartments to Enable
- Alarm Relay Mapping
Tip: Refer to Alarm Relay Mapping to learn more about this.
Settings 1, 2 and 3 are only required when configuring the FINCH II-6W Display. They may be left blank for the FINCH II and FINCH II-W displays.
Configuration Setting Options
You can view a previously prepared configuration file and also Save the settings as a file for later use.
This is useful for configuring a fleet of vehicles or for when the display has been replaced.
You can also view the current settings from the FINCH II Display if you have made specific changes inside SensorLink but want to go back to how this was configured previously.
To get the current FINCH II Display configuration, Click the Get Current Configuration button.
To set the FINCH II Display configuration back to the factory default settings, Click the Set Defaults button.
To Open a previously prepared configuration file, click File at the top of the screen and then click Open Configuration File and select the file.
Configuration settings are always able to be entered or modified manually.
Programming Your FINCH
1. Once the configuration has been set, click the Program button. This process is similar to programming the TD100 Transmitter.
2. A window will pop up reminding you that the FINCH II configuration will be overwritten by continuing.
3. Click OK to continue.
A message is shown indicating programming success or failure.
4. Once the configuration has been completed, you can disconnect the programming kit from the FINCH display and your computer.
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