How to configure my Alarm Relays using SensorLink?

The Alarm Relay Mapping configures the EnginePumpLight and Horn relays to respond to specific Transmitter and FINCH II alarms and alerts.

  • Each FINCH II relay is independently configured for system alarms and alerts.
  • Some relays are safety-related and are responsible for controlling the Overfill and Spill prevention system.
  • Other relays alert the driver for approaching Fill and Fall tank levels.

The FINCH II configuration is set at the factory for the most common tank truck and trailer installations. However, this configuration can be customized to suit specialized applications. Below is how the default factory settings are configured. 

Using SensorLink

To change any of these settings, you will need to re-configure your FINCH II display through SensorLink. 

1.  Once the programming kit is connected to the FINCH II Display and power is turned on, launch SensorLink. SensorLink may prompt you to update the app. Accept the update.


Refer to the following information on how to connect your programming cables: 
FINCH II Display Configuration Overview

2.  On the left side of the screen, select Finch II.

3.  Click the boxes to either deselect or select an option you would like to change. 

The image below shows that the HH, Fill, and Fall alarms are all acknowledgeable from the FINCH display, based on the default settings. 

If any changes were made to the FINCH II display through SensorLink, you will now need to program the display. Click HERE for info on how to program your FINCH display.  

Pump Control Setup

Want to learn more about configuring your Pump or Loading Valve control for overfill and spill prevention? Check the link to learn more: HERE


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