Finch II Display Hardware Lock Setting

The Finch II, -W and -6W displays have a Hardware Lock feature to prevent unauthorized changes to the display configuration settings.

The Hardware Lock setting is also planned for future use by SmartPhone apps using the Finch II-W and Finch II-6W advanced Bluetooth features.

This Hardware lock switch is located on the display circuit board and is labelled B-DIP 4 (B4). See the photo for the location.

Setting the DIP switch B4 down allows Fill and Fall alarm setting, and display configuration changes using the DIP switches.

Setting the DIP switch B4 up prevents changes to the Fill and Fall alarm and the display configuration using the DIP switches. This is also the setting to support the future SmartPhone apps.

The immediate impact of the Hardware Lock on drivers is the inability to change the Fill and Fall alarm settings while operating in the field. The setting must be performed by a qualified technician by opening the Finch display enclosure.

The impact on TD100 system installers and repair technicians is a specific sequence to change the Finch display configuration using the DIP switches.

When DIP switch B4, the Hardware Lock setting is up, a specific sequence must be followed to ensure correct display configuration and system operation.

The sequence of steps to change the DIP switch configuration or Fill and Fall alarm is described below.

  1. Open the Finch display enclosure by unscrewing the two screws securing the door.
  2. Let the door drop down.
  3. Turn on power to the system.
  4. On the door, see the circuit board.
  5. Locate the DIP switches.
  6. Place DIP switch B4 in the down position.
  7. Change the DIP A and B switches as required.
  8. Adjust the Fill or Fall alarm as required.
  9. Place DIP switch B4 back in the up position.
  10. Turn off power to the system.
  11. Close the enclosure and secure the door by tightening the two screws.