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FINCH 5332E and Relay Module Conversion to FINCH II


The following paragraphs describe the situation of upgrading FINCH 5332E Display and FINCH Relay Module to a FINCH II Display. These instructions are for the Titan-recommended installations described in the TPM 001 TD80 and TPM 010 FINCH II product manuals. Your system configuration or installation may be different.

Not all devices may be installed. Disregard the instructions for devices not installed on the vehicle.

Wiring Diagrams

See the wiring diagrams below for guidance on converting FINCH 5332E Displays to FINCH II Display. The TD80 to TD100 conversion does not require rewiring. The same 3 wires that connect to the TD80 are identical to the TD100.

Figure 1, Finch 5332E Installation Diagram
Figure 2, Finch 5332E Wiring Diagram
Figure 3, Finch 5332E/PS Installation Diagram
Figure 4, Finch 5332E/PS Wiring Diagram
Figure 5, Finch II Installation Diagram
Figure 6, Finch II Wiring Diagram

Required Tools

  • Common mechanical and electrical tools
  • Windows 10 or greater computer with Internet access, a programming kit and the SensorLink programming app are required


TD80 to TD100 Transmitter Upgrade

A TD100 Transmitter may already be installed on the FINCH 5332E Display. If the TD80 is being upgraded to a TD100:

  1. Locate the original TD80 strapping table file or download the strapping table from the transmitter.
  2. Convert The TD80 strapping table for use with a TD100.
  3. Save the converted file for programming the TD100.
  4. Install the TD100 in place of the TD80 Transmitter. The original TD80 wiring remains in place. It is disconnected from the transmitter.

Overview of the Workflow

This is a “big picture” overview of what the conversion workflow looks like.

  1. Remove the FINCH Relay Module and FINCH 5332E Display.
  2. Install the FINCH II Display and reconnect the devices that were controlled by the FINCH Relay Module and Finch 5332E Display.
  3. Update and Configure the FINCH II Display.
  4. Update and program the TD100 Transmitter.

Step 1, Remove the Finch Relay Module and Finch 5332E Display

At the FINCH Relay Module:
  1. Open the FINCH Relay Module enclosure.
  2. Remove the vehicle power wiring and label the wires. The internal 5A and 3A fuses are not required for FINCH II installation.
  3. Remove the Solenoid wiring and label the wires.
  4. Remove the PTO wire and label the wire.
  5. If the optional horn is installed, remove the wiring and label the wires.
  6. If the optional Red light is installed, remove the wiring and label the wires.
  7. If the optional Green light is installed, remove the wiring and label the wires.
  8. Remove all other wires connecting to the Finch 5332E display.
At the Finch 5332E:
  1. Open the enclosure
  2. Remove the TD80 or TD100 transmitter wiring.
  3. Unbolt and remove the FINCH Relay Module and FINCH 5332E display

Step 2, Install The Finch II Display

The broad installation procedure is to:

  1. Bolt the FINCH II Display into position. It will mount to the existing FINCH 5332E holes.
  2. Connect the power wiring.
  3. Connect the optional Horn to the Horn relay.
  4. Connect the optional Red light to the Light relay.
  5. Connect the Solenoid and optional Green light to the Pump relay.
  6. Connect the PTO wire to the Display Enable input. If the PTO wire is not installed, connect the Display Enable input to ground.
  7. Connect the TD100 Transmitter to the TD80 #1 connector.

Step 3, Update and Configure the FINCH II Display

  1. Ensure the computer is connected to the Internet.
  2. Open the SensorLink app.
  3. The app will check for updates. Accept the update. The computer may now be disconnected from the internet if required.
  4. Update the FINCH II Firmware.
  5. Set the DIP switches for optional features if required.
  6. Configure the display using SensorLink if required.

Step 4, Update and Program the TD100 Transmitter

  1. Update the TD100 Firmware.
  2. Program the TD100 with the new strapping table file if it is replacing a TD80.

Figure 1, Finch 5332E Installation Diagram


Figure 2, Finch 5332E Wiring Diagram


Figure 3, Finch 5332E/PS Installation Diagram


Figure 4, Finch 5332E/PS Wiring Diagram


Figure 5, Finch II Installation Diagram


Figure 6, Finch II Wiring Diagram


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