Vapour Recovery Vent Interlock for RCM Permissive

The Issue

Some customers require a vapour recovery vent interlock for loading at a rack. The vapour recovery vent must be open for loading.

The vapour recovery vent must be open before the RCM permits loading.

  • The open vapour recovery vent is detected by a switch on the vent control. This can be a mechanical or pneumatically operated switch.
  • The vent interlock switch provides power to the RCM when the vent is open. Power is removed from the RCM when the vent is closed.
  • The RCM can permit loading only when all conditions are safe for loading including the open vapour recovery vent.

Solution With RCM and FINCH II-6W Display Only

  • The FINCH II-6W controls the RCM to allow or deny loading. This is normal operation for the FINCH II-6W with RCM enabled.
  • The Display Enable input puts the display into sleep mode. SV bus 6 is then inactive. The RCM denies loading at the rack.
  • The vent operated interlock switch applies a grounded signal to the Display Enable input when the vent is open. A closed vent opens the interlock switch and puts the FINCH II-6W to sleep and prevents loading.
  • The normal Display Enable jumper to ground is replaced with a connection to the switch on the vent control. Grounded connection for Monitor mode, open-circuit for Sleep mode.
  • This solution is for the FINCH II-6W only.

Solution With RCM and FINCH II-W or FINCH II-6W Displays

  • The FINCH II-W does not control the RCM. RCM is connected directly to the transmitters.
  • A normally open interlock switch on the vent control provides power to the RCM when the vent is open. Power to the RCM is removed when the vent is closed.
  • This solution is for FINCH II-W and FINCH II-6W displays.


RCM Power Control Suitable for the FINCH II-W with 1 TD100 Transmitter


RCM Power Control Suitable for the FINCH II-W with 2 TD100 Transmitters


RCM Power Control Suitable for the FINCH II-6W with Up To 5 TD100 Transmitters



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