The TD100 System Troubleshooting Process

Troubleshooting the TD100 system begins with observation. No tools are required to begin figuring out what happened and how to resolve it.

You may observe many conflicting or confusing indications during a malfunction.

The malfunction could be caused by:

  • An electrical wiring or corrosion problem
  • Low battery voltage
  • Damaged probe
  • Frost or product buildup on the probe
  • Equipment failure

Where do you start?

You start by observing everything about the issue. What works, what doesn’t work and any history behind the malfunction.

The process is logical because the reason for the malfunction is logical. The level gauging system was working well and then it quit working.


The TD100 system troubleshooting process in 7 steps.

This may be the end of your troubleshooting depending on company policy, location, your experience and the tools available.

At this point, you are able to describe the issue to Titan’s 24/7 service team for issue resolution or the service centre technician.

The following steps help guide you to resolve your issues you experience. They may be performed in the field or at a service centre.

1.  Gather Information

Below are questions and things to go through to help determine the issue or cause of your system. 

A. Observe all Trouble Indications

  • Are there any error codes shown on the display?
  • What lights are showing or blinking on the display? 
  • Does your display show an incorrect volume? 

B. Observe the Physical Condition

  • Is there any physical damage to your equipment or wiring?
  • Are there loose or missing hardware?
  • Is there water ingress?

C. Other Observations

  • Is there a burning smell?
  • What are the characteristics of the product inside your tank?
  • What is the weather conditions?
  • Has there been any recent repair or maintenance work done on your vehicle? 

D. History of the Issue

  • First-time malfunction or has happened before?
  • Brand new equipment or in service for a long time?

2.  Can you determine the issue yourself?

  • Yes, continue with steps below.
  • No, call Titan Support and describe the problem and observations gathered.

3.  Determine Potential Issue

From your knowledge and experience, create a short list of failures that fit the observations.

4.  Test Issue

Methodically test the system using the short list of failures you created.

  • Test from the most likely failure to the least likely
  • Or, complete the tests that take the least amount of time first.

5.  Implement Solution

Once the cause of the malfunction has been determined, repair or correct the issue.

6.  Analyze Results

Confirm that the fix has resolved the malfunction and document any fixes made. 


Need more help?

Titan Logix's Service Team provides 24-hour technical assistance for our customers.

Phone: 1-877-462-4085


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