TD80 to TD100 Strapping Table Conversion with Decimal Point Adjustment

The following steps must be done in the same session. Do not close SensorLink or Excel until the process is complete.

  • TD80 Strapping Table Download
  • Copy the Strapping Table to Excel
  • Strapping Table Decimal Point Adjustment
  • Copy the Adjusted Strapping Table to SensorLink
  • Complete and Save the TD100 Strapping Table

The following step may be done at any time after the steps above have been completed.

  • Program the TD100

TD80 Strapping Table Download

  1. Open SensorLink and select TD80
  2. Download (Read) the TD80 strapping table from the transmitter.
  3. Once the download is complete, enter the actual Probe Type, Depth and Volume Units. These entries must be made manually. The probe type, depth and volume units are not stored by the TD80.
  4. Click the DONE button.
  5. Set the Display Precision to “No Decimal”. The volume value can’t exceed 4 digits in total. Decimal places are not stored by the TD80.
  6. Record the HH alarm volume and height value for the TD100 programming.
  7. Record the Riser and Sump distance for the TD100 programming.
  8. Record the 4mA and 20mA points for TD100 programming.
  9. Save the file with a filename that indicates it’s the TD80 downloaded strapping table along with other identification such as vehicle unit number or compartment dimensions.

Copy the Strapping Table to Excel

  1. Click the strapping table EDIT button to begin the decimal point adjustment.
  2. The next steps copy the strapping table to Excel.
  3. Click on any cell in the strapping table and then press Control-A to select all and then Control-C to copy. Mouse Right-Clicks don’t work.
  4. Open Excel and then start a blank Excel Worksheet.
  5. Select cell A1 and press Control-V to paste. You can also Right-Click and paste into the cell. The entire TD80 strapping table is now copied into a Worksheet.

Strapping Table Decimal Point Adjustment

  1. In an adjacent column, let’s choose D1, type the formula to recalculate the value in B1. B1 contains the first volume entry in the strapping table. For example “=B1 / 10” (do not enter the “ marks) to move the decimal point one place to the left. You can also use an array formula in Excel. If the last strapping table entry is on row 1125, try “=B1:B1125 / 10” (do not enter the “ marks). It does all the work for you without doing the next step.
  2. Select D1 and use the AutoFill Handle to copy the formula down to the last strapping table value. You now have a column of recalculated values. The next steps create a new file for TD100 programming.
  3. Select columns A and D. Right-Click Copy.
  4. Move over to another blank column. Let’s choose F and click cell F1.
  5. Right-Click in F1 and choose Paste (123). You now have two columns of depth and recalculated volume ready to bring back to SensorLink.
  6. Select Columns F and G. Right-Click Copy.
  7. Go to “File” and select “New” and choose Blank workbook.
  8. Select cell A1 and right-click and choose Paste (123). Columns A and B have the corrected table pasted into them.
  9. Go to “File” and select “Export”, choose “Change File Type”, Go down the list to select “CSV”, and Select “Save As”.
  10. Choose a file location and name the CSV file.
  11. Close this Excel workbook before importing the CSV file into SensorLink. 

Copy the Adjusted Strapping Table to SensorLink

  1. Go back to SensorLink and select TD100.
  2. From the TD100 page, click on File, Import CSV File.
  3. Navigate to where the CSV file was saved.
  4. Click the filename to select and open the file.

Complete and Save the TD100 Strapping Table

  1. Proceed with Step 1 in SensorLink to enter the Probe Type, Depth Units, Volume Units and Detection Mode.  

Tip: For Detection Mode Selection:  

  • Standard: having your TD100 maintain compatibility with the original TD80 operation 
  • Performance: enhanced TD100 operation  
  1. Click DONE when finished.
  2. In Step 3, confirm that the Total Offset is the original TD80 Riser Height:
    1. PLUS 1.183" for Dual-rod probe
    2. PLUS 1.5" for Coaxial probe
  3. In Step 4, enter the HH alarm value.
  4. In Step 5, set the Display Precision for the correct decimal display.
  5. Confirm the 4mA and 20mA settings are the same as the original TD80.
  6. Confirm the Sump distance is the same as the original TD80.
  7. Click File, Save File. Name and save the file.
  8. Close Excel. There is no need to save the first workbook that was created to adjust the decimal point.
  9. Close SensorLink if you are not continuing to program the TD100.

Program the TD100

  1. Open SensorLink if it is not already open and select TD100.
  2. Click on File, Import File.
  3. Navigate to the TD100 strapping table file that was previously saved.
  4. Click the filename to select it and open the file.
  5. Program the TD100 transmitter.

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